Comprehensive representation of bidders in procedures under the Public Procurement Act, including:
Discussing with the client all options for participation in an announced procedure;
If necessary, establishing a consortium or another association for compliance with all
requirements of the Contracting Authority;
Registration of the Consortium in the Bulstat Register with the Registry Agency,
respectively in the Commercial Register, if necessary;
Preparation of the whole documentation in connection with the participation in the
procedure under the Public Procurement Act;
Where a translation is required for completion of the documentation, procuring a
translation by a certified translator so as to submit the documents to the Contracting
Authority, as well as ensuring legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Overall representation of the candidates before the Contracting Authority in the
separate stages of the procedure;
Appealing against the decisions of Contracting Authorities through the Commission
for Protection of Competition;
Appealing against the decisions of the Commission for Protection of Competition
before the Supreme Administrative Court;
Representation upon the signing of the agreement with the Contracting Authority, as
well as ensuring the required documents to that end;
Litigation related to the implementation of the public procurement agreement before
an arbitration panel or court of justice;
Representation of the candidates before the Contracting Authority in the separate
stages of the procedure;
Legal services in connection with the implementation of the concluded agreement;
Litigation related to the implementation of the public procurement agreement before
an arbitration panel or court of justice.
Partial representation of bidders in procedures under the Public
Procurement Act. It includes a selection of the following services,
depending on the needs of the client:
Checking the whole documentation prepared by the bidder in connection with the
participation in the public procurement procedure;
Establishing a consortium or another association in order to comply with all
requirements of the Contracting Authority;
Registration of the Consortium in the Bulstat Register with the Registry Agency,
respectively in the Commercial Register, if necessary;
Representation of the candidate before the Contracting Authority in the separate stages
of the procedure;
Consulting the candidate in the process of preparation of the required documents for
participation in the procedure;
Appealing against the decisions of Contracting Authorities through the Commission
for Protection of Competition;
Appealing against the decisions of the Commission for Protection of Competition
before the Supreme Administrative Court;
Legal services in connection with the implementation of the concluded agreement;
Litigation in connection with the implementation of the public procurement agreement
before an arbitration panel or court of justice.
Comprehensive representation of Contracting Authorities in procedures
under the Public Procurement Act, including:
Consulting the Contracting Authority in connection with the regulatory deeds governing
public procurements;
Preparing the tender dossier, including the announcement and the decision for initiation
of the public procurement;
Representation before the Public Procurement Agency;
Participation of a legal adviser in the commission opening the bids;
Preparing the documentation related to the work of the commission;
Concluding an agreement;
Legal services in connection with the implementation of the concluded agreement;
Litigation in connection with a breach of a concluded public procurement agreement.
Partial representation of Contracting Authorities in procedures under
the Public Procurement Act. It includes a selection of the following
services depending on the needs of the client:
Consulting the Contracting Authority in connection with the regulatory deeds
governing public procurements;
Examination of the whole tender dossier, prepared by the Contracting Authority,
including the announcement and the decision for initiation of the public procurement;
Representation of the Contracting Authority before the Commission for Protection of
Competition and the Supreme Administrative Court;
Participation of a legal adviser in the commission opening the bids;
Legal services in connection with the implementation of the concluded agreement;
Litigation in connection with a breach of a concluded public procurement agreement.